Die SplitButton-Komponente kann genutzt werden, um einen zweigeteilten Button darzustellen. Dabei wird der Primär-Button üblicherweise für eine Haupt-Aktion genutzt, während der sekundäre Button ein Kontext-Menü ("Popover") öffnet, hinter dem sich weitere Aktionen verbergen.
- Der Sekundär-Button togglet grundsätzlich das Kontextmenü.
- Für den Primär-Button kann ein individueller Event-Handler hinterlegt werden, wird dies nicht getan togglet er ebenfalls das Kontextmenü.
<kol-split-button _label="Split-Button">Split-Button Popover</kol-split-button>
Zur Behandlung von Events bzw. Callbacks siehe
Event | Auslöser | Value |
click | Element wird angeklickt | _value -Property |
onMouseDown | Eine Taste eines Zeigegeräts wird gedrückt, während der Zeiger sich innerhalb des Elements befindet | - |
Split-Button Popover
Property | Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
_ariaControls | _aria-controls | Defines which elements are controlled by this component. (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-controls) | string | undefined | undefined |
_ariaExpanded | _aria-expanded | Defines whether the interactive element of the component expanded something. (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-expanded) | boolean | undefined | undefined |
_ariaSelected | _aria-selected | Defines whether the interactive element of the component is selected (e.g. role=tab). (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-selected) | boolean | undefined | undefined |
_customClass | _custom-class | Defines the custom class attribute if _variant="custom" is set. | string | undefined | undefined |
_disabled | _disabled | Makes the element not focusable and ignore all events. | boolean | undefined | false |
_hideLabel | _hide-label | Hides the caption by default and displays the caption text with a tooltip when the interactive element is focused or the mouse is over it. | boolean | undefined | false |
_icons | _icons | Defines the icon classnames (e.g. _icons="fa-solid fa-user" ). | KoliBriHorizontalIcons & KoliBriVerticalIcons | string | undefined | undefined |
_id | _id | Defines the internal ID of the primary component element. | string | undefined | undefined |
_label (required) | _label | Defines the visible or semantic label of the component (e.g. aria-label, label, headline, caption, summary, etc.). | string | undefined |
_name | _name | Defines the technical name of an input field. | string | undefined | undefined |
_on | -- | Defines the callback functions for button events. | undefined | { onClick?: EventValueOrEventCallback<MouseEvent, StencilUnknown> | undefined; onMouseDown?: EventCallback<MouseEvent> | undefined; } | undefined |
_role | _role | Defines the role of the components primary element. | "button" | "link" | "tab" | "treeitem" | undefined | undefined |
_tabIndex | _tab-index | Defines which tab-index the primary element of the component has. (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/tabindex) | number | undefined | undefined |
_tooltipAlign | _tooltip-align | Defines where to show the Tooltip preferably: top, right, bottom or left. | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top" | undefined | 'top' |
_type | _type | Defines either the type of the component or of the components interactive element. | "button" | "reset" | "submit" | undefined | 'button' |
_value | _value | Defines the value that the button emits on click. | boolean | null | number | object | string | undefined | undefined |
_variant | _variant | Defines which variant should be used for presentation. | "custom" | "danger" | "ghost" | "normal" | "primary" | "secondary" | "tertiary" | undefined | 'normal' |
closePopup() => Promise<void>
Type: Promise<void>
Slot | Description |
Ermöglicht das Einfügen beliebigen HTMLs in das dropdown. |