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Form handling

Almost all KoliBri components are used to implement and encapsulate specific accessible HTML components and belong to the View.

In order to be able to implement very dynamic and complex forms, numerous functionalities such as change listeners, validators, formatter and others are required. This logic should be implemented decoupled from the view and belong to the controller.

Design approaches

In SPA development, a distinction is often made between the template-driven and model-driven approach.

The template-driven approach means that the form logic is also implemented in the template, i.e. the view. This can be shameful, but also lead to confusing code.

The model-driven approach, on the other hand, means that the form logic is implemented in the model, i.e. the controller. This initially leads to more effort, but it also leads to decoupled, more maintainable code.

In KoliBri the form components are decoupled from the form handling. This has the advantage that the components can be reused more universally. Quasi like the HTML itself as well.


The input components are the components that can be used to make form inputs. That means primarily inputs, select and textarea.

Handling adapters

As described above, the form handling is decoupled from the input components. Thus, each development team can decide for itself which form handling is suitable, depending on the framework used.

The form handling is then coupled with the input components via an adapter component that dynamically synchronizes the state of the components.

Lean-Input adapters

For development with TypeScript, KoliBri provides the adapter component for the form handling library .


The adapter can be installed via the public NPM registry:

npm i @leanup/form @leanup/kolibri-components @leanup/kolibri-react


When integrating, it is important to note that the Leanup components must be registered first.

<script type="module">
import { register } from '';
import { defineCustomElements as kolibri } from '';
import { defineCustomElements as leanup } from '';
import { BMF } from '';
register([BMF], [kolibri, leanup])
<kol-spin _show>

Or for React:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import { AppComponent } from './components/app/component';

import { register } from '@public-ui/components';
import { defineCustomElements as kolibri } from '@public-ui/components/dist/loader';
import { defineCustomElements as leanup } from '@leanup/kolibri-components/dist/loader';
import { BMF } from '@public-ui/themes';

register([BMF], [kolibri, leanup])
.then(() => {
const htmlDivElement: HTMLDivElement | null = document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('div#app');
if (htmlDivElement instanceof HTMLDivElement) {
const root = createRoot(htmlDivElement);
root.render(<AppComponent />);


As the name (adapter) suggests, the component represents the synchronization between the specific form logic (controller) and the form representation (view). The implementation in the HTML code takes the form of an enclosing tag.

Example (schematic):


<kol-select _list="Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.">Country</kol-select>

In plain HTML, the controls must be attached to the adapter nodes after DOM construction for the reactive behavior to work.

Or for React:

<LeanInputAdapter _control={landControl as InputControl}>

<LeanInputAdapter _control={landControl as InputControl}>
<KolSelect _list="Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.">Country</KolSelect>

In this example, it is nice to see that the model is decoupled from the representation. So whether a form value is represented as a text input field or as a select field is irrelevant at the model level.

The adapter component encloses the input component of KoliBri and thereby ensures the synchronization between model and representation.