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We make the HTML accessible and themeable for reuse.

§ 1 Usability

The ultimate goal is to provide standardized, semantically accessible components for the web. We ensure this by means of clearly defined component APIs and restrictive access to the interior of the components. The usability of the components is largely driven by the test steps of the WCAG and BITV, which standardizes the behavior of the individual interactive elements. Building on this basis, the aesthetics of the components can be freely designed by means of the decoupled KoliBri Designer.

§ 2 Compatibility

All components are implemented framework-agnostic as Web Components and can thus be easily reused universally in all web-based projects. Additionally, we offer numerous adapters for the most popular frameworks to provide an even better Developer Experience (DX).

§ 3 Portability

The focus is on small components (e.g. buttons) that can be easily reused. The special thing about this is that an HTML button or input is not accessible without further ado. However, a KoliBri button or input takes into account the numerous use cases and the semantic construction of the components that must be considered.

§ 4 Maintainability

The most modern and popular tools from web development are used for the realization. In addition to the TypeScript programming language, aspects of reusability for other design systems and component libraries have also been incorporated. The architecture is subject to a decoupled modularity and high degree of automation (DevOps).

§ 5 Functional Suitability

There is no perfect solution. However, the claim is to functionally enable everything that is overarching and compatible with the strict view of the W3C web standards. Functionalities can thus either flow into the components of KoliBri itself or be added by means of the swizzling concept.

§ 6 Responsibility

KoliBri relies on modern web standards to implement accessible web solutions across devices and browsers. However, device- and browser-specific issues should ideally be resolved by the respective manufacturers. Our own solutions could result in unstable and unsustainable workarounds that might create new accessibility problems. Therefore, it is advisable to address and resolve these issues directly at their source.

§ 7 Security

All components serve solely to achieve a consistent and accessible representation of web-based user interfaces in the sense of a corporate design or design system. We provide a universally applicable and subject-neutral library without any data transfer functionalities and storage.