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Synonyme: Slider

Der Input-Typ Range erzeugt ein interaktives Element, mit dem Werte durch Verschieben eines Reglers verändert werden können.



_icons='{"left": "codicon codicon-arrow-small-down", "right": "codicon codicon-arrow-small-up"}'


Events der Komponente können über eine _on-Property behandelt werden, die aus einem Objekt mit verschiedenen Callback-Funktionen besteht:

kolibriElement._on = {
onFocus: (event) => {
/* Do something on focus */
onInput: (event, value) => {
/* Do something with value or event */
// ...
onFocusElement wird fokussiert-
onClickElement wird angeklickt-
onInputEine Eingabe erfolgt (entspricht nativem input-Event)Eingegebener Wert als String
onChangeEingabe ist abgeschlossen (entspricht nativem change-Event)Eingegebener Wert als Number
onBlurElement verliert Fokus-

Value types von onInput und onChange werden in #6345 angeglichen.



Best practices

  • Achten sie darauf id und name korrekt zu setzen, damit die Daten beim Formular Absenden mitgesendet werden.



TabFokussiert das Eingabefeld.
Pfeil-TastenVerändern den Wert der Range-Komponente.


_accessKey_access-keyDefines which key combination can be used to trigger or focus the interactive element of the component.string | undefinedundefined
_alert_alert[DEPRECATED] Will be removed in v3. Use automatic behaviour instead.

Defines whether the screen-readers should read out the notification.
boolean | undefinedundefined
_autoComplete_auto-completeDefines whether the input can be auto-completed."off" | "on" | undefinedundefined
_disabled_disabledMakes the element not focusable and ignore all events.boolean | undefinedfalse
_error_error[DEPRECATED] Will be removed in v3. Use msg instead.

Defines the error message text.
string | undefinedundefined
_hideError_hide-errorHides the error message but leaves it in the DOM for the input's aria-describedby.boolean | undefinedfalse
_hideLabel_hide-labelHides the caption by default and displays the caption text with a tooltip when the interactive element is focused or the mouse is over it.boolean | undefinedfalse
_hint_hintDefines the hint text.string | undefined''
_icons_iconsDefines the icon classnames (e.g. _icons="fa-solid fa-user").string | undefined | { right?: IconOrIconClass | undefined; left?: IconOrIconClass | undefined; }undefined
_id_idDefines the internal ID of the primary component element.string | undefinedundefined
_label (required)_labelDefines the visible or semantic label of the component (e.g. aria-label, label, headline, caption, summary, etc.). Set to false to enable the expert slot.stringundefined
_max_maxDefines the largest possible input value.number | undefinedundefined
_min_minDefines the smallest possible input value.number | undefinedundefined
_msg_msgDefines the properties for a message rendered as Alert component.string | undefined | {} & { _level?: 0 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | undefined; _on?: KoliBriAlertEventCallbacks | undefined; _type?: "error" | "default" | "info" | "success" | "warning" | undefined; _variant?: "card" | "msg" | undefined; _label?: string | undefined; _alert?: boolean | undefined; _hasCloser?: boolean | undefined; } & { _description: string; }undefined
_name_nameDefines the technical name of an input field.string | undefinedundefined
_on--Gibt die EventCallback-Funktionen für das Input-Event an.InputTypeOnBlur & InputTypeOnClick & InputTypeOnChange & InputTypeOnFocus & InputTypeOnInput | undefinedundefined
_shortKey_short-keyAdds a visual short key hint to the component.string | undefinedundefined
_step_stepDefines the step size for value changes.number | undefinedundefined
_suggestions_suggestionsSuggestions to provide for the input.W3CInputValue[] | string | undefinedundefined
_tabIndex_tab-indexDefines which tab-index the primary element of the component has. ( | undefinedundefined
_tooltipAlign_tooltip-alignDefines where to show the Tooltip preferably: top, right, bottom or left."bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top" | undefined'top'
_touched_touchedShows if the input was touched by a user.boolean | undefinedfalse
_value_valueDefines the value of the input.number | undefinedundefined



focus() => Promise<void>

[DEPRECATED] Use kolFocus instead.


Type: Promise<void>

getValue() => Promise<number | undefined>


Type: Promise<number | undefined>

kolFocus() => Promise<void>


Type: Promise<void>


Die Beschriftung des Eingabeelements.

View example

